ดาวหาง Elenin / Nibiru (planet X) - Elenin - Events

ในห้อง 'ภัยพิบัติและการเตรียมการ' ตั้งกระทู้โดย Falkman, 28 กุมภาพันธ์ 2011.

  1. ลมหายใจสุดท้าย

    ลมหายใจสุดท้าย เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    20 ตุลาคม 2008
  2. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    <table style="line-height: 17px; width: 560px; " border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody style="line-height: 17px; "><tr style="line-height: 17px; "><td style="line-height: 17px; width: 60px !important; white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: top; ">[​IMG]</td><td style="line-height: 17px; ">The Search For the Remains of Comet Elenin – Part 1

    by sydneystargazers</td></tr></tbody></table>In 3 days time comet Elenin was due to be at it's nearest to Earth at a distance 91 times further away than our moon.
    However, there is now no doubting the fact that comet elenin has disintegrated and if there is anything left of it ... it will be nothing more than debris.
    Today we pointed the scope at where the comet should be, which at that time had the comet 31 degrees above the horizon. The Moon did not help with picture quality but still we should have seen something if there was any substantial pieces of Elenin left.
    In the picture below, comet elenin should be centered in the middle of the picture however there is no trace of it.
    We will keep on looking for any signs of debris left of Elenin over the coming days and weeks.
    [​IMG]Comet Elenin Oct 13

  3. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    วันที่ 17 ตุลาคม จะมีการเรียงตัวระหว่างดวงอาทิตย์ ดาวพุธ และ ดาววีนัส ซึ่งคาดว่าจะมีปฏิกริยาดวงอาทิตย์อย่างนีนัยสำคัญ ซึ่งจะส่งผลกระทบต่อโลกในวันที่ 20-21 ตุลาคม นอกจากนั้นยังเป็นวันที่ดาวหาง Elenin เข้าสู่วงโคจรเดียวกับโลก


    จับตาการเรียงตัวของดาวเคราะห์ช่วงวันที่ 15-22 ตุลาคม คศ 2011 update วันที่ 14 ตุลาคม | Truth4Thai.org

    ปล.ไปอ่านเจอมาว่า Elenin จะใกล้โลกที่สุดคือ วันที่ 16 ตุลาคม เวลา 7.50 pm. UTC
    หรือ จันทร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม ประมาณตีสาม เวลาไทย
  4. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmDoXeF3oio]"ELENIN IS A TETRAHEDRAL SPACESHIP": My analysis on Richard C. Hoagland's statement. - YouTube[/ame]
  5. PranLarkratai

    PranLarkratai สมาชิก

    17 กุมภาพันธ์ 2011
    รอคอย อีก 1 วัน ว่าแต่มันจะมองเห็นด้วยตาเปล่าไหมนั่น .... แต่ข่าวเรื่องนี้เงียบมากๆเลย เหมือน ผิดหวังกับที่ผ่านมา..
  6. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    Debris of 'Doomsday' Comet Elenin to Pass by Earth Sunday

    [​IMG]<cite id="yui_3_3_0_1_1318682750315466" class="byline vcard">By Mike Wall, SPACE.com Senior Writer
    Space.com | SPACE.com –

    See more photos from science »

    The moment long feared by conspiracy theorists is nearly upon us: The "doomsday comet" Elenin will make its closest approach to Earth Sunday (Oct. 16). Or what's left of it will, anyway.

    Comet Elenin started breaking up in August after being blasted by a huge solar storm, and a close pass by the sun on Sept. 10 apparently finished it off, astronomers say. So what will cruise within 22 million miles (35.4 million kilometers) of our planet Sunday is likely to be a stream of debris rather than a completely intact comet.
    And the leftovers of Elenin won't return for 12,000 years, astronomers say.

    "Folks are having trouble finding it, so I think it's probably dead and gone," said astronomer Don Yeomans of the Near-Earth Object Program Office at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. [Gallery: Comet Elenin in Pictures]

    That means it probably won't present much of a skywatching show Sunday, scientists have said.

    The doomsday comet
    Elenin's apparent demise may come as a relief to some folks, since apocalyptic rumors circulating on the Internet portrayed the comet as a major threat to Earth.

    One theory claimed Elenin would set off havoc on Earth after aligning with other heavenly bodies, spurring massive earthquakes and tsunamis. Another held that Elenin was not a comet at all, but in fact a rogue planet called Nibiru that would bring about the end times on Earth. After all, the comet's name could be taken as a spooky acronym: "Extinction-Level Event: Nibiru Is Nigh."

    Those ideas were pure nonsense, Yeomans said.
    "Elenin was a second-rate, wimpy little comet that never should have been noted for anything, really," he told SPACE.com. "It was not even a bright one."

    Elenin's remains will not be the only objects about to make their closest pass of Earth. One day after the Elenin flyby, the small asteroid 2009 TM8 will zip close by. Like Elenin, it poses no risk of striking our home planet.

    Asteroid 2009 TM8 is about 21 feet (6.4 meters) wide and the size of a schoolbus. It will come within 212,000 miles of Earth – just inside the orbit of the moon – when it zips by on Monday morning (Oct. 17).

    Say goodbye to Elenin

    Elenin was named after its discoverer, Russian amateur astronomer Leonid Elenin, who spotted it in December 2010. Before the icy wanderer broke up, its nucleus was likely 2 to 3 miles (3 to 5 km) in diameter, scientists say.

    Elenin never posed any threat to life on Earth, Yeomans

    said. It was far too small to exert any appreciable influence on our planet unless it managed to hit us.

    "Just driving to work every day in my subcompact car is going to have far more of a gravitational effect on Earth than this comet ever will," Yeomans said.

    Elenin's supposed connection to earthquakes was just a correlation, and a weak one at that, he added. Relatively strong earthquakes occur every day somewhere on Earth, so it's easy — but not statistically valid — to blame some of them on the comet's changing position.

    Yeomans views the frenzy over Elenin as a product of the Internet age, which allows loud and often uninformed voices to drown out the rather more prosaic results that scientists publish in peer-reviewed journals.

    "It's a snowball effect on the Web," Yeomans said. "You get one or two folks who make an outrageous claim, and a bunch of others pile on. Some folks are actually making a living this way."

    Elenin's crumbs will soon leave Earth in the rear-view mirror, speeding out on a long journey to the outer solar system.

    But Yeomans doesn't think the departure will keep the conspiracy theorists down for long.

    "It's time to move on to the next armageddon," he said.

    Debris of 'Doomsday' Comet Elenin to Pass by Earth Sunday - Yahoo! News
  7. chan2

    chan2 สมาชิก

    16 มกราคม 2008
    ใช่ดวงที่สว่างที่สุดทางด้านทิศตะวันออก ระดับ 2 นาฬิกา ไหมหนอ ฟ้าเปิด
    วันนี้แปลกใจเห็นดาวที่สว่างที่สุดขณะดวงจันทร์ เกือบเต็มดวง
    ถ้าไม่ใช้ ช่วยตอบหน่อยนะครับว่าเป็นอะไร มันสว่างมากจริงๆ
    ดูเมื่อกี้ นี้เอง
    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 15 ตุลาคม 2011
  8. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006

    IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Last night, Jupiter and the Moon gathered together only a few degrees apart for a bright and beautiful conjunction. Just in case the neighbors weren't paying attention, "Sasenka J." of Trondheim, Norway, offered some guidance:​
    The Moon and Jupiter are separating now, but they'll be together again in a little less than a month--on Nov. 8th and 9th. Until then, browse the links below for what you might have missed.​
  9. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    Comet Elenin sighted in the morning sky

    Posted on October 9, 2011 by astrobob

    This photo was taken around 5:45 a.m. on Oct. 7 through a 5-inch refracting telescope. The bit of fuzz marked by the line may be Comet Elenin or electronic noise picked up during the exposure. The faintest stars shown are dimmer than 15th magnitude. Credit: Mike Holloway

    Amateur astronomers have been busy the past few mornings with telescopes and cameras searching for what’s left of Comet Elenin. I’m aware of at least a half-dozen attempts to see the comet, all but one of which resulted in a negative or uncertain result. Leonid Elenin’s photograph posted in my Oct. 6 blog may possibly show a fragment of the comet.

    This morning was the best opportunity to look because the comet was moderately high in the eastern sky (about 23 degrees or “two fists”) during a narrow window of darkness between moonset and twilight. Observing from a mountain location over one mile high near Leon in northern Spain, dedicated comet observer Juan Jose Gonzalez saw Elenin as a faint, diffuse haze of magnitude 10.7 with a short tail pointing northwest. The comet had no central brightening and measured 6 arc minutes across or half the distance between Mizar and its companion star Alcor in the Big Dipper. Gonzalez was using an 8-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope, and seeing conditions were very good at the time.

    His is the only positive observation so far. The news gave me a jolt of hope that I and others might still see it. Photographs and other attempts have either shown a tiny 18th magnitude object or a suspected faint patch of light. These earlier observations were made when the comet was lower in the sky and its light more readily absorbed by the thicker, hazier air near the horizon. Gonzalez is an expert observer working under very dark skies. He routinely sees faint comets that escape the attempts of other less experienced amateur astronomers, myself included.
    Still, why the disparity between his and Leonid Elenin’s 18th magnitude estimate of the comet’s brightness? Two factors may be at play. Elenin’s was based not only on a photograph, but also when the comet was much lower in the sky. I don’t know the field of view of his photo, but if it’s small – and especially with the comet much lower – it might not show the distended, faint coma but rather a fragment inside. That fragment, if that’s what it is, is obviously very faint. Elenin is still not sure if what he photographed is the comet or just noise.

    Meanwhile, Gonzalez observed the comet much higher up with a wider field of view. Although unable to see any fragments – they’re too faint to spot visually – his wider field of view, darker sky (due to higher elevation) and very perceptive eye allowed him to see the entire coma and even a short tail. Based on the details of his observation, the coma would have looked like the faintest puff of light just a little brighter than the sky background. Although 10.7 magnitude is not faint per se, that brightness is spread across 6 arc minutes of diffuse haze, making the comet appear quite dim. Having compared my observations with Gonzalez’s for a number of years now, I’m guessing it would have been very faint from my dark sky site even in my 15″ reflector. No one to my knowledge photographed the comet this morning with a wide-field telescope. Had they, we’d have a better basis for comparison.
    [​IMG]Detailed finder map showing Comet Elenin with bright Regulus at lower right, 6th magnitude stars 34,37 and 42 Leonis and fainter stars to 12th magnitude. North is up. 'E' is the comet's position at 5:45 local time for the UK, while 'P' shows the comet's position at 5:45 a.m. for the Pacific time zone. Created with Chris Mariott's SkyMap software

    Tomorrow morning (Oct. 10) offers one last opportunity to see the comet before moonlight cuts it to the quick. Since the nearly full moon will set about 15 minutes after the start of twilight, there will be no true darkness, but it may prove just dark enough for the comet to make a very brief appearance before dawn grows too bright. Take heed! Comet Elenin is dim and diffuse and will prove a challenge even for amateurs with larger telescopes and good maps. Use the map above to help you find it. The comet will be about 4 degrees northeast of Regulus.

    After tomorrow, a bright moon will make it virtually impossible to see the comet until October 21, when Elenin will once again be sufficiently high in the east to tackle before moonrise. After the 21st, conditions rapidly improve – by the 24th the comet will be high in the southern sky before the start of morning twilight.
    Sparks swirl from a bonfire in the backyard. Photo: Bob King

    I realize that all this talk about such a dim comet may be overmuch for some of you reading this, but had Elenin not broken to pieces in August, it’s possible we’d be seeing it in binoculars by now. What’s visible now is the dim, expanding dust cloud from the vaporization of icy-dusty cometary fragments. Speaking of which, it sounds like the eastern hemisphere had a fine Draconid meteor shower last night. We were cloudy here in Duluth, Minn. For fun I built a bonfire in the backyard and watched a homemade meteor shower of orange sparks fly to the heavens.

    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุด: 16 ตุลาคม 2011
  10. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    [​IMG]Mike Chestnut
    Truly Expected to see Elenin Early in the AM tommorrow...However Central FL has been Absolutely COVERED in Chemtrials over the past 24 hrs...Coincedence? I haven't seen "spray" activity like this here in 2-3 months....Anyone else???

    <a href="http://www.facebook.com/RichardC.Hoagland/posts/10150874003380089"><abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 9:03 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 19:03:36 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp"></abbr>
      • [​IMG]Daniel Dydyk Sky is clear in Arizona, and will be watching from 3AM...<abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 9:27 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 19:27:38 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp">

      • [​IMG]Patrick Nowlen Hey, I'm in Orlando and I can back up Mike! I counted 12 chem trails at the same time. Pointed them out to my wife who doesn't believe in them. She was surprised. I've never seen so many in one day. They were very thick. Does anyone have a clue what kind of chemical they are?????<abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 9:35 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 19:35:12 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp">

      • [​IMG]Richard C. Hoagland Patrick,

        Well, we know they contain a LOT of alumina ... which shields torsion.
      • <button class="stat_elem as_link cmnt_like_link" type="submit" name="like_comment_id[26353947]" value="26353947" title="ถูกใจความเห็นนี้"></button>

      • [​IMG]Tom Farrar Talley ‎.
        Mike Chestnut . . . usually, we'd be in the same boat as you...
        but today, the Sky was SOooo crystal clear DEEP Blue,
        that it almost HURT to look at it, it was so beautiful.
        Not ONE cloud in the sky ALL day.<abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 9:47 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 19:47:38 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp">

      • [​IMG]Linda Llewellyn Oliver saw several here in northern Rhode Island
      • [​IMG]Bryant Moll mike has a theory which sounds very plausible, our weather here in oregon has not been correct for observations. by the way, is there a sheen or special color to your trail's? also mainly daytime?
      • [​IMG]Daniel Dydyk Richard, FYI your status shows that you have not been online for a few hows...<abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 9:50 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 19:50:29 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp">

      • [​IMG]Patrick Nowlen Thank you Richard for such a quick response. Wish I had taken pictures. I'll take them next time and post here. Do you think it's an effort to shield from torsion in an effort to protect from an expected threat?<abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 9:50 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 19:50:38 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp">

      • [​IMG]Richard C. Hoagland Patrick,

        No ... as an attempted (torsion) SHIELD against an expected Awakening, triggered by Elenin. :)

        Actually, as I outline below, the REAL date to focus on is--

        October 20th-21st ....

        When Elenin is at a precise right-angle to the sun (crossing Earth's orbit) ... which, in the Physics, is a KEY angular relationship ... as powerful as any "alignment."<abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 10:18 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 20:18:57 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp">

      • [​IMG]Chris Martin Daniel, I'm in AZ also and there are plains spraying right now. In the morning it's going to be hazy. <abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 10:25 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 20:25:17 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp">

      • [​IMG]Tom Carey Richard, limiting this shielding attempt to a few localities seems odd -- w/o a more general coverage how can the purpose be served?<abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 10:45 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 20:45:26 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp">

      • [​IMG]Dee Smith No chemtrails here....<abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 10:45 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 20:45:40 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp">

      • [​IMG]Daniel Dydyk Chris, I am north in Carefree.. no signs of anything... skies are clear..so far..<abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 10:46 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 20:46:08 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp">

      • [​IMG]Dee Smith Richard so it is not the 16th but the 20th and 21st of October that we are waiting for? I'm confused.<abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 10:46 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 20:46:27 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp">

      • [​IMG]Richard C. Hoagland Dee,

        Why are confused?; and, why are you "waiting" for ANYTHING? :)

        I'm just telling you what the celestial mechanics re Elenin are ... and what the numbers mean ... in "the Physics."

        Everyone's "interpretations" are their OWN .... :)

        "Closest Approach" is just that ... Elenin's closest passage of the Earth ... at ~22 MILLION miles, tomorrow, at 19:50 GMT.

        In the Physics, a right-angle relationship to the sun (!) is MUCH more powerful ... and will not take place until October 20th-21st -- as YOU, of all people -- who has been "warning" us about the sun, for weeks -- should KNOW ....

        Oh, but that's right, you only connect "your OWN dots" .... :)<abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 10:55 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 20:55:59 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp">

      • [​IMG]Michael Latimer Richard .. i'm confused too. If elenin is a ship/extraterrestrial-obje<wbr>ct with shields aren't you thinking it will detour to check out Earth ?

  11. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    What time should I try and see Elenin in the sky?? I'm in Central Fl

    <form rel="async" class="commentable_item autoexpand_mode" method="post" action="/ajax/ufi/modify.php"><a href="http://www.facebook.com/RichardC.Hoagland/posts/10150874035695089"><abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 9:27 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 19:27:47 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp"></abbr>
      • [​IMG]En-en Nierras I'lll be in Navarre Beach Fishing Pier (Florida) and looking up the sky at 2:50 PM Central Time (((do some fishing too :)<abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 9:47 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 19:47:47 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp">

      • [​IMG]Tom Farrar Talley ‎.

        Thammy, Thry & Thsee it This Thime Thomorrow!
        I Thought I Thaw Thomething at Thdawn.


      • [​IMG]Lisa Richardson lol tom<abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 10:13 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 20:13:37 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp">

      • [​IMG]Thammy Campos wth??? lol<abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 10:14 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 20:14:01 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp">

      • [​IMG]Greg Ahrens early in the morning before sunrise (before the pre-dawn sky starts getting bright) IF you can see it at all.<abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 10:45 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 20:45:46 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp">

      • [​IMG]Richard C. Hoagland Guys,

        Unless it does something VERY spectacular ... you wont.

        But, it will be just above Mars -- the reddish, bright NON-twinkling "star" in Cancer.<abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 10:49 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 20:49:54 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp">

      • [​IMG]Roxane Flamio being that it's in many pieces you'll have to use an eye aid!!<abbr title="16 ตุลาคม 2011 เวลา 10:59 น." data-date="Sat, 15 Oct 2011 20:59:28 -0700" class="timestamp livetimestamp">

  12. Phon072

    Phon072 สมาชิกใหม่

    27 กรกฎาคม 2011
    แล้วเราจะดูดาว Elenin ได้ไหนทางไหนหรอครับ
  13. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    แต่อาจมีอะไรเปลี่ยนแปลง เดี๋ยวคืนนี้อยู่รอดูดีกว่า :cool:
  14. joyplayerman1

    joyplayerman1 เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    9 มิถุนายน 2010
    รอดูอยู่ครับ เผื่อเห็น .. แต่มีนบุรี ตอนนี้เมฆเยอะมากเลย ..
  15. Jump up

    Jump up สมาชิกใหม่

    16 สิงหาคม 2011
  16. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePymfevLjRM]67º - ANSWERS OF AN ALIEN FROM ANDROMEDA - Nibiru - Elenin - Events - YouTube[/ame]
  17. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEk2bXP3ZM4]COMET ELININ SUN 16 OCT 2011. filmed by MICHAEL BOYERS - YouTube[/ame]
  18. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    COMET CORPSE: "Doomsday Comet" Elenin was briefly famous for inaccurate predictions that it might hit Earth. Instead it disintegrated as it approached the sun last month. (Doomsday canceled.) Over the weekend, Italian astronomer Rolando Ligustri spotted the comet's remains. It's the elongated cloud in this Oct. 22nd photo of the star field where Elenin would have appeared if it were still intact:

    Another team of astronomers--Ernesto Guido, Giovanni Sostero and Nick Howes--spotted the cloud on the same night. At first they were skeptical. "The cloud was extremely faint and diffuse," says Guido. "We wondered if it might be scattered moonlight or some other transient artifact." But when the team looked again on Oct. 23, the cloud was still there. A two-night blink animation shows that the cloud is moving just as the original comet would have. Note: Some readers have noticed a fast-moving streak to the to the lower right of the debris cloud. That is an unrelated asteroid, 2000 OJ8 (magnitude 14), which happened to be in the field of view at the same time as the cloud of Elenin.​
    More information about this discovery and continued tracking of the "comet corpse" may be found at the Remanzacco Observatory Astronomy Blog. ​
  19. ped2011

    ped2011 เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    13 เมษายน 2011
    เห็นหรือยังท่านพี่ ผมเห็นแต่ดาวพฤหัส นิบิรุดวงไหนง่า
  20. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006

